About Us
The White Eagle House is operated by the Polish Community Association in Geelong Inc.
The first large influx of Polish migrants to Australia and to Geelong began in 1949, four years after the WW2. In the early fifties and sixties, the Polish community in Geelong was quite large, over 3,000 people. They soon organised themselves and set up their organisations: Polish Saturday schools, Polish dance groups, choirs and scout groups in an endeavour to maintain their Polish culture and handing it down to their children, while, at the same time, contributing to the development of their newly adopted country. Very soon, the organisations that were established in Geelong raised enough funds to purchase properties in Geelong. The first two were the Millennium Polish House in Malop St and the other was the Polish Ex‐servicemen’s Association Hall in Ryrie St. In the late 70’s the Malop St property was sold and a disused ball‐bearing factory was purchased in Fellmongers Rd Breakwater.
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Responsible Gambling
The management is committed to the wellbeing of its patrons, employees and the wider community that it serves.
We strive to deliver all our services in a responsible and sustainable manner. As part of this commitment, we have adopted a Responsible Gambling Code of Conduct. The Code is designed to assist the management and staff to provide gambling in a socially rewarding, enjoyable and responsible manner. A venue RSG Manager has been appointed to ensure compliance with the Code and the Self-exclusion Program at this venue, and a Nominated Person is always available to assist patrons with responsible gambling matters.
To read our code in English or other major community languages
English Link
List of Committee Members
Board Member